27 April 2017

Lake Cuber to L'Ofre to Biniaraix

The walk today enters the heart of the Sera de Tramuntana mountain range, a UNESCO World Heritage site in its entirety. 20 min by taxi above Port de Soller is peaceful Lake Cuber, a reservoir and sheep grazing area in the mountains and the start of of the walk up to L'Ofre col and also the side route to the peak, 1,093m (3,586 ft) above sea level. An intricate drystone path is carved into the side of the narrow gorge. So tighten up those boots, it's practically 2400 ft down on cobblestones! Gradually the town of Biniaraix, founded by the Moors in the 1st century, and the sea come into view through S'Entret, the entrance, a dramatic parting of rock. Winding the way down again through drystone terraces and the Moors' early but complex irrigation system, we finally arrive at the town with one quaint bar, narrow cobblestone streets, villas with dramatic views of the mountains, and orange groves currently loaded with ripe fruit.